Peri Sipahi


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Peri Sipahi

Genscherallee 3

53113 Bonn


Of Time-Wounds: Deconstructing Anthropocene Temporalities in Anticolonial Climate Fiction


Despite growing criticism of the term, ecocritical scholarship largely hails the Anthropocene as ‘radical break’ to thinking about time, history and the present. These stories repeat a Eurocentric focus and a racist universalising rhetoric, disconnecting colonial histories from Anthropocene presents as well as imagined futures and thereby establishing white, Western societies and corresponding temporal frameworks as innocent bystanders. My project aims to unravel the dominant colonial rhetoric of time-centred discourses continued and solidified in negotiations and imaginations of the Anthropocene present. It resets the Anthropocene’s temporal scales to centre on an examination of transgenerational colonial trauma. In order to cultivate an otherwise of representing and thinking with time, this project develops an anticolonial framework for violent temporalities of the Anthropocene present that is used to comparatively investigate the subversive and deconstructive temporal narrative strategies as well as the aesthetics and poetics of temporalities employed in a selection of climate fiction written by Indigenous, Black and PoC authors.


  • seit 10/2023
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2291 "Gegenwart/Literatur" der Universität Bonn
  • 2021-2023
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Englisches Seminar, Universität Münster
  • 2016–2020
    Master of Arts, English Literatures and Cultures, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
  • 2017-2018
    Master of Studies, Modern Languages, St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford


Conference Papers

  • mit Rita Maricocchi, "Bodies of Water: Embodied Sites of Hydrocolonialism and Indigenous Displacement in “Water” by Ellen van Neerven", Australian Mobilities. Zweijahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Australienstudien (GASt), Universität Duisburg-Essen, 19. - 22. Oktober 2023.

  • "Weaponizing Time in the Museum – Tara June Winch’s The Yield", Emerging Research in Australian Studies. 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop for Early Career Researchers am Centre for Australian Studies (CAS), Universität zu Köln, 16. – 17. September 2022.
  • "'not yet - under water' - Rejecting Victimhood and Negotiating the Implicated Subject in Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner’s Ecocritical Poetry", Contested Solidarities: Agency and Victimhood in Anglophone Literatures
    and Cultures. 32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 26. – 29. Mai 2022.
  • "'The Universe is a Memory of Our Mistakes' – The Cyclicality of (Future) Histories in Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods”, Anticipatory Environmental Histories from Antiquity to the Anthropocene, Universität Augsburg und Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 24. – 25. Februar 2022.
  • "Gothicising the Victorian Sanctuary – Boundaries and Space in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”, Anne Brontë at 200 Conference, Universität Bonn, 17. – 18. Januar 2020.
  • "Silent Signs of Remembrance – Botanical Representations of Memory in J.R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings", Flora and Fauna in Fantastic Worlds. Internationales Symposium der Inklingsgesellschaft, Universität Bonn, 08. – 09. März 2019 .

Guest Lecutres

  • "Empty Craters: Nuclear Wastelands and the Erasure of (Hi)Stories in Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner's Video Poem "Anointed"", Universität Potsdam, 03. August 2023

SoSe 2023

"Reading the Transpacific" - Seminar, Universität Münster

WiSe 2022/23

"Imagining and Narrating Migration and Flight" - Seminar, Universität Münster

SoSe 2022

"Social Media, Social Movements, and Narrative" - Seminar, Universität Münster (gemeinsame Lehre mit Dr. Deborah Nyangulu)

"Reading Class: 450 - 1500" - Seminar, Universität Münster

WiSe 2021/22

"Ecocriticism, Gender and Postcolonial Theory in Contemporary Literatur" - Übung, Universität Münster

SoSe 2021

"Introduction to Climate Fiction" - Übung, Universität Münster

WiSe 2020/21

"Climate Change and the Anthropocene in Postcolonial Literatur" - Seminar, Universität Bonn

  • time and temporalities
  • climate fiction
  • postcolonial theory
  • Indigenous literatures
  • Environmental Humanities
  • Energy Humanities
  • Pacific literatures
  • Museum Studies



Matters of Life and Death: The Politics and Poetics of Living and Dying in Postcolonial and Indigenous Narrations (in Vorbereitung).

zusammen mit: Benkhadda, Angela, Berndt, Marie und Lena Falk

Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Press


“‘not yet / under water’ – Rejecting Victimhood and Weaving Solidarity in Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner’s Eco-Poetics”  (im Peer-Review-Prozess).

in: Ecological Solidarities across Post/Colonial Worlds, special issue of Postcolonial Text

2023: “Violent Temporalities, the Colonial Museum, and the Fantasy of Terra Nullius in Tara June Winch’s The Yield”. .

in: Australian Studies Journal / Zeitschrift für Australienstudien, vol. 37, 2023, pp. 31-47, doi: 10.35515/zfa/asj.37/2023.03

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